
‘Synchronicity: PhD Activities at the Department of History of Art, University of York’ is a professional, academic (and supportive!) forum for doctoral students offering guidance, support and peer review on aspects of their research.

Main meetings are held on the last Friday of each month during term time. These meetings are an opportunity for students to give either a 45-minute paper or shorter presentations of c. 15-30 minutes. Students may present work in progress such as draft chapters or rehearse upcoming conference papers. Each meeting is followed by a friendly gathering in a pub.

Additionally, pop-up events will be organised such as informal peer-support meetings in response to specific training needs students might have.

Ford Madox Borwn, Work (1852-63), oil on canvas. Image ©Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery , reproduced under CC licence BY-NC 2.0, https://flic.kr/p/aMGfJ8

Ford Madox Borwn, Work (1852-63), oil on canvas. Image ©Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery , reproduced under CC licence BY-NC 2.0, https://flic.kr/p/aMGfJ8

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